Questions & Answers
Whether you are a first time buyer or a long time investor, everyone has questions about the Home Inspection process. Here are some helpful answers to questions you may have about how we do things at SunView Inspections.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is a visual examination of the structure and systems of a home or building. If you are thinking of buying a home, condo, mobile home or commercial property you should have it thoroughly inspected before the final purchase by an experienced and impartial professional, licensed home inspector.
Why do I need a home inspection?
If your Realtor recommended a home inspection, it is because your Realtor wants you to be a totally informed purchaser. A real estate agent can only disclose what has been made known to them. The real estate agent is looking out for your best interest by suggesting that a qualified home inspector evaluate the property you are about to purchase.
Purchasing a home or a commercial property is one of the largest investments you will ever make. You should know exactly what to expect, both inside and out, in terms of needed and future repairs and maintenance. For example, stains on the ceiling could be the result of a single incident or indicate a constant roof leak. A fresh coat of paint might be hiding serious structural concerns. The home inspector interprets these and other clues, then presents a professional opinion about the condition of the property so that you can avoid unpleasant surprises. Of course, a home inspection will also point out the positive aspects of the home, as well as the type of maintenance needed to keep it in good shape. After the home inspection you will have a much clearer understanding of the property you are about to purchase and be able to make your decision with confidence.
As a seller, if you have owned your home for any length of time an inspection can identify potential concerns in the sale of your home and can recommend preventive measures which might avoid future expensive repairs.
What is the cost of a home inspection?
This is sometimes the first question asked but tells the least about a home inspector. A quality home inspection backed by a company who has been in business a long time with a reputation for standing behind their work sometimes requires higher investment, but it is worth it. You will avoid headaches later on down the road. Fees are generally based according to size, age and various other components about the home. In and around Austin inspection fees from a certified, licensed, professional home inspector generally start around $315. There are several factors that determine the fee of a home inspection such as the square feet, foundation type, etc. Call us for a home inspection quote or schedule now online.
How long does a home inspection take?
There are several factors to consider when estimating time such as size of the home, home foundation (concrete slab or pier & beam), is the garage attached or detached, is the home a 1 story or 2 story and the age of the home.
Example: A 2000 square foot home on a concrete slab foundation generally takes 2/12-3 hours or longer depending on the age of the home. If there any additional services being provided at that time such as a Swimming Pool Inspection or a Termite Inspection it will take longer as well.
When do I schedule the home inspection?
Once you have made an offer on a home and it has been accepted by the seller it is called "being under contract". At this time you should schedule your home inspection. You will have an option period from 3-10 days at which time a home inspection should occur. Since option periods are often short, we work with your schedule to find the best available appointment for you.
What information do I need to schedule a home inspection?
We will need to know the square feet and the type of foundation. Most homes are on a concrete slab foundation. Older, historical type homes have a pier and beam foundation that you can crawl under. Other questions we will ask are: Does the yard have a sprinkler system? Are there any swimming pools or hot tubs? Are there any other buildings on the property? Will you need a Termite (WDI) Inspection?
Can I be present for the home inspection?
We hope that you can be present for the home inspection so that your professional home inspector can go over the report with you in detail. Sometimes schedules do not allow the buyer to be present for the inspection. No worries. Since our reports contain photos of deficient items, you can read over the report and the inspector can discuss the report with you in detail at your convenience. A family member or your real estate agent are welcome to present as well.
Usually the seller is not at home when we do our home inspections. In some cases, for instance, if they have small children or an older person lives there, they may need to stay at the home. The inspector does not give any feedback about the home inspection to them unless there is a safety concern.
How will the seller be notified of the home inspection appointment?
If the home is in MLS, we will email the listing agent about the appointment. If there is a problem with the day or time that was chosen, then we can reschedule. We also email the buyer agent who may contact the listing agent as well.
How do I pay for the home inspection?
You, your real estate agent and the listing agent will receive an email confirmation and reminders of the home inspection appointment.
The email we send you with your appointment day and time will have two links. One to pay with a credit card and one to sign our service agreement. If you do not have access to a computer, you can pay in person at the inspection with cash, check or credit card. The home inspector can print a copy of the service agreement for you to sign if you do not have access to the internet. If you want to pay with a check but cannot attend the inspection, then you can leave it with your real estate agent.
How does the home inspector access the home?
Our home inspector has MLS lockbox access, which means we can access the home the same way the real estate agents access the home. It is not necessary for the real estate agent to be present for us to access the home. If the home is new construction we will work with the builder to gain access to the home.
Once we have received payment and a signed service agreement, you and your real estate agent will receive your home inspection report the same day via email Based on the home inspector’s findings, your home inspector will give you his expert opinion about each component of the home that comes from continued training and years of experience. If you were not able to attend the home inspection, please read over the report and then call the home inspector to go over the report in detail.
What do I need to do before the home inspection?
Make sure the utilities are on, such as the electricity, water and gas. Check your email. You can sign our home inspection service agreement thru the email link or at the inspection. The email contains a secure link to make payment or you can bring cash, check or credit card to the home inspection. Payment is needed before the report(s) can be distributed. Bring your tape measure in case you want to take some measurements during the home inspection.
Will the home inspection report include photos?
Yes. Items that were noted as deficient will have photos to make clear what is noted in the report.
What if I am not satisfied with my home inspection?
We know you will be completely satisfied. And if you are not, we want to make it right! Please let us know how we are doing. We value your input.
What if I have concerns about home over the years?
If you ever have any questions about the home that we inspected please give us a call. We are here for you!